Town Of West Sparta

Zoning Laws in Effect

Planning Board

Elijah Truth- Chairman

8302 Kysorsville-Byersville Rd (office)
Dansville, NY 14437
585-335-3138 (Town Hall)
585-335-3138 (Town Hall)

Starting at our November 16th 2022 meeting the Planning Board will begin discussions on the West Sparta Local Solar Law.In the first series of meetings will focus on the Local Solar Law rules pertaining to everything involved in a solar power system EXCEPT for battery

storage. The Solar Battery Storage System discussions will also be a series of meetings that will hopefully start in Januaryof 2023. If you have any questions, please email us at

We look forward to your comments and questions. Remember that the West Sparta Planning Board meetings are open to the public.

Thank you.




Hours of Operation:
Meetings held the 4th Wednesday at 7 pm January through October. November and December the meetings will be held on the 3rd Wednesday at 7 pm
Elijah Truth Chairman ()
Where Do I get Zoning Application Forms (Subdivision application forms, Special use application Forms, Site Plan forms, Agricultural data forms, etc)?
All forms are available from the Town of West Sparta Code Enforcement / Zoning Enforcement officer.  All required forms MUST be filled out before the applicant comes to the Planning Board.  The Planning Board cannot review your application unless all of the required forms are filled out. The CEO/ZEO can help you with the forms and can advise you if you need to meet with the Zoning Board of Appeals or if your application needs to be reviewed by the Livingston County Planning Board before being submitted to the Town Planning Board.
Are Planning Board meetings open to the public?
All of the Town Planning Board meetings are open to the public.  The New York State Open meetings law requires that all of our meetings (business meetings, Public Hearings, workshops, etc) be advertised and open to the public.  The law does NOT require that we allow you to speak at our regular monthly business meetings but we believe that anyone who is interested enough to attend be allowed to speak.  Therefor we have part of our meeting set aside as Privilege of the Floor when anyone may speak for a brief time - usually three minutes - on a topic relating to our business as long as they are  respectful of the Board and others in attendance.  Public Hearings are special meetings called for the purpose of receiving comments from members of the public on a specific topic. Everyone attending a Public Hearing is given time to speak but must be respectful and concise with their comments so that everyone has a chance to speak.
What Rules Does the Planning Board follow?
The Planning Board is governed by New York State Town Law section 271, section 274-a, section 274-b, section 276, section 277, the Town of West Sparta Land Development Code, and the Town of West Sparta Planning Board By Laws.
How do I get on the Planning Board? What are the requirements to serve on the Planning Board?
If you are interested in the future of the town of West Sparta and have some time to devote to learning about zoning and planning issues we would be pleased to have you as a member of the Planning Board. You must be 18 years of age or older and a resident of this town.  Four hours of planning and zoning training is required each year but is provided for free. You must be willing to attend our monthly meetings and may be asked to do some work on your own time. If you would like to attend one of our meetings  to find out more about us and what we do we'd  be interested in meeting you and answering any questions you may have.  Check the calender on the Town website to find out the date of our next meeting.
Public Hearings are held when the Planning Board is meeting to discuss Special Use permit applications and Subdivision applications.  These Public Hearings are advertised in advance and members of the public are encouraged to attend and express their opinions about the project being considered.  In order to keep the meetings productive the following rules apply.
April 23 meeting minutes (DOCX - 15.4 KB)
May 21, 2014 minutes (DOCX - 15.1 KB)
July 23, 2014 agenda (DOCX - 14.2 KB)
August 27 2014 minutes (DOCX - 15.5 KB)
October 2014 minutes (DOCX - 17.4 KB)
November 2014 minutes (DOCX - 15.2 KB)
December 2014 minutes (DOCX - 15.2 KB)
January 2015 minutes (DOCX - 14.6 KB)
June 2015 minutes (DOCX - 16.2 KB)
July 2015 Minutes (DOCX - 15.7 KB)
August 2015 minutes (DOCX - 15.2 KB)
Planning to preserve open space
Planning to protect agriculture
Planning with the environment in mind
Planning for country living
Planning for the kids
Planning that respects our history